Curriculum Overviews
Phonics- Early Reading
Reading Offer - Implementation Writing Writing Offer- Implementation SpellingPersonal Development
Please find below the EYFS policy and the policies below that link to the safeguarding and welfare requirements that are in the Statutory Framework for Early Years 2023.
- The school’s Child Protection and Safeguarding policy for Child Protection
- BDMAT Intimate care policy
- BDMAT Staff Code of Conduct.
- BDMAT Induction policy.
- BDMAT Preventing Radicalisation policy.
- BDMAT Recruitment and Selection policy
- BDMAT Drug and Alcohol policy.
- BDMAT Health and Safety policy.
- The school’s First Aid policy
- BDMAT Supporting Pupil at School with Medical Conditions policy.
- BDMAT Educational Visits policy
- The school’s SEND policy and SEND report.
- The school’s before/after school provision policy if it provides care for pupils in EYFS.