Non-Gender Specific School Uniform
- White logo polo shirt or plain white polo shirt
- Burgundy cardigan or jumper (with or without logo).
- Grey skirt or Grey tailored school trousers.
- Red and white small checked dress (Summer Term only).
- White socks to be worn with skirts or grey knee length socks.
- Grey tights in colder weather
- Flat, black, leather look shoes, trainer style trainers must be school shoe in style and have no coloured logos at all.
- No nail varnish or make-up.
- Hair accessories should be small and in school colours.
- No jewellery to be worn in school other than a watch and pair of stud earrings or any other items of religious significance.
Non-Gender Specific School P.E Kit
P.E kits and trainers should only be worn on your child’s P.E days. This will be shared with you in advance.
- Black tracksuit available from the Crazy Aunt Company with or without the school logo and child’s initials (parent’s preference) or plain black tracksuit. No branded tracksuits or sports clothing should be worn.
- White T-Shirt with the school logo or a plain white t – shirt
- Trainers suitable for indoors and outdoors.
Uniform Recycling
If you require any support with uniform, then please contact the school office. Please also help yourself to uniform from our rail outside the school office daily. Pre loved uniform can also be purchased from the PTA website for a donation.
Also, to avoid unnecessary damage to expensive clothing, please equip your child with an old shirt, adapted and worn back to front – this proves to be an excellent overall for art and practical activities. Please make sure that all of your child’s uniform is clearly labelled with his/her name.
The only jewellery items to be worn in school are a watch or a pair of stud earrings or any items of religious significance. Jewellery is not permitted during P.E. and Games lessons and pupils will be asked to remove it. In some circumstances newly, pierced ears may have surgical tape applied.
All of our families that are eligible for pupil premium will receive a free uniform bundle the start of every academic year.
Our uniform is in a period of change from September 2022 until July 2024 to give our parents a two year transition.